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Worlds biggest wave ever surfed

World’s biggest wave ever surfed…that guy is crazy! And yes he’s still alive. Think it used to be on a sky ad lol.

Reblogged 8 years ago from


12345MOOMo says:

Interstellar wave

Ye yint Moe says:

I'm just wondering, why badjojo?

Eric Periche says:

This is the openning scene for the movie "Step into Liquid"

Leroy Dowling says:

The wave was 40 metres

Ac7ion says:

ainda nao tinham descoberto a Nazaré      /watch?v=RAluocUocdw

Tyler Brenner says:

That's not a wave

Felipe Neves says:

e morreu

Grace Ful says:

Want to get your life into a true perspective? Google Truth contest and see things the way they really are.

baran acar says:

the wave is fake man

Mitch Hudson says:

Check out this video on YouTube:

PsilocybinCaps515 says:

Yepp… yeah he definitely just surfed down that wave. It's not really up for debate. and it was fuckin awesome! that guy just disappeared into the ocean.. even if he died after that I mean.. if I could pick a way to go out…

Harold Severing says:

woa i tink its a tsunami
he surfd a tsunami

alex torres says:

Fukin rad

Aspie Otaku says:

Cortez bank?

IntlExec Iceland says:

One word, Balls of Steel !

AW pigeon says:

did he die

Frank Kulpa says:

Just another day on Lake Michigan Ha Ha

drummer1773 says:

wipe out

Frank Elyar says:

That's soooooooo bad ass! 

Frédéric Palasse says:

Nazaré is the highest footage. however it is not necessarily the most speediest one . but however in these conditions it is always a creeply Deadly washing mashine

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