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Hang Gliding a Morning Glory ( Jonny Durand ) Surfing the biggest wave Ever

Jon Durand Hang Gliding / Sky Surfing a rare meteorological cloud phenomenon called a Morning Glory. It is like surfing a tsunami or tidal wave in the sky. It’s great for doing loops and flying fast. The Glider is towed in the Sky by a small ultra lite aircraft. Also called aerotow hang gliding. RedBull and Nikon Camera sponsored. It was filmed by Mark Watson near Burketown Barramundi Australia. For more info visit
Jonny Durand
Mark Watson

Reblogged 8 years ago from


Jack Frost says:

Obviously fake! You used a trained ant to fly a miniature hang glider in front of a normal cloud.

Lester Baird says:

Seen one of them over Brisbane in 1987 as a storm cell with strong wind and hail stretched from 1 side to the other like a tornado horizontal, amazing site to see..

Cincuentopía says:

Shared on Facebook

Fiona Gyre says:

This is mind-fucking! beyond incredible! 

rk14ful says:

the Heavens speak about God's glory !
Magnific God that create such amazing things like this !
He could destroy with a small word everything but He don't !
how small is man with his glider in imensity of sky !
and nowa days hangliders could fly and film such splendor !
we live in amazing times !

Gulevski1 says:

Scary as fuck

mohamed shaalan says:

amazing مدهش wish i learn haw to do it ..

Rob Roy says:

Thank you for being so modest…a good trait for an Aussie.
Great flying…..stay free.

Nick says:

Balls for days.

yoshyoka says:

It is a crime don't have this video in HD!

Borirunner says:

Amazing is all I can say!

bl8antly says:

to eternity…that shit will kill you


WOW…Red Bull DOES give you wings! 😉

Barrett Hess says:

This is one of the few youtube comment threads I haven't been ashamed to look at. THANK YOU ALL!

Barrett Hess says:

Thank you all… This I

james dauer says:

Hopefully the jbrace doesn't backslide on the downturn pull jig

glyngin says:

Awesome, any chance of uploading to HD


are those vorticees coming off the wing !??!

Michel Invernoz says:

what´s the name of the song from 0:36 to 1:00?? i like it.

plandver says:


Maxim Babanu says:

What was the altitude and wind speed? the loops are incredible. What glider is this?
Love the sound of the wind.
I've heard Australia is one of the best places to glide.
Nicely done. Soft landing after a masterclass of hang-gliding.
Take care, be safe. See you in the sky.

RBLangR says:

'To experience two different types of morning glory was just great for me' lmfao, amazing cloud though

Cloud says:

Glider pilot here, I can sort of relate.

EnEiKaO(HMS musiK) says:

Amazing…yes sirrr…

Gerardo Azofeifa says:

That's just too fucking awesome for words

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